Spider Gwen (Into the Spider-verse)
abril 30, 2019
Sex Arcade
Hey there folks!
Initially I wanted to make a Bad-Ending pic for Spider-Gwen, but after watching the movie, I didn’t really found a good spot in the story to fit in a Bad-Ending.
In any case, I think the pic work out well in the end ^^
Hope you like the pic my friends!
Given the Hostess in the background (and is that Black Cat next to Gwen), this is a Sex Arcade pic.
Shouldn’t she be restrained?? Even without her powers, that’s a big security and safety risk.
Você é muito bom no que faz e eu espero poder continuar acompanhando suas artes
Opa! valeu mesmo Lunar!
your art is great as always! i remember seeing something about a game a while ago, i think you were making, is that still in development?
Thanks man! and yeah, it still is in development, i’m not exactly super fast on the game dev area xD
Nice work you’re doing here man. Have you even thought about doing Junko Enoshima from Dangaronpa. Its a character getting spotlight atm.
Thanks man! and thanks for the suggestion ^^
MAN!!! Thank you!!! you are the greatest artist in the universe or other universes!! thank you so much for making art about my favourite marvel character!!! super awesome job!!……it could be imaginary if you added spider-gwen in your game
Thanks for the comment man, glad you like the pic ^^
how the game going man, great work btw
Its going fine, slow but steady, I don’t really work super fast and the game is a pretty complex project, so things don’t go as fast as I would like.
As always, very good.
You could one day put some interpretation of the hostesses that have a little forgotten.
Indeed! I will try to bring back the Hostess in some of the new SA pics ^^
Make Gta V characters please especially amanda de santa
Thanks for the suggestion ^^
Oh Gwen you should be more happier but honestly thanks for making the image
no worries my friend ^^
Great pic….but it loses something of the SA vibe if her hands are free…a bit of a security risk there.
It’s part of the charm. Maybe that’s a special zone for those willing to take the risk so they can enjoy a bit of struggle. Either way she’s strapped above her chest (you can see a metal bar), so she’s not going anywhere.
She is restrained by the chest, the free hands is to make the pic a bit more interesting, add some conflict to it ^^
I understand that….I can barely see the restraint, tho….it’s barely visible (and I only see it now because someone else pointed it out).
If it had been more visible — like across her waist — it would be better for me.
resident evil remake ?
there will be a pic of Claire from RE2R soon ^^
Miraculous Ladybug next?
Miraculous Ladybug?
Maybe at some point ^^
Totally awesome style, just like the Spiderverse itself. You should absolutely do another!