Bellow you will find all my most frequent asked questions.


01 – Do you take commissions?

– No, I don’t take commissions or requests.

02 – Will you open commissions in the future?
– I have no plans of opening commissions anytime soon, but if I do, I will announce it on my twitter: Noncon and Femboy.

About my Art

01 – Why do you draw so much Non-con?

–  In short, because I like it, It is a dark theme and definitely not for everyone’s taste, but it is a very common fantasy among men and women. I’m not the first, and certainly not the last artist to take inspiration from this theme.

02 – But why almost only Non-con?

–  Because I like the theme, and I have an audience for it. As an artist, being able to create things you enjoy while having an interested and supportive audience is a very fortunate position to be. There are other themes I enjoy, but building an audience requires a lot of time and investment, so, if I’m happy drawing non-con, and people enjoy my non-con work, I don’t see why not do it.

 Just to be clear, there’s nothing wrong with being interested in only one theme, it isn’t my case, but there’s no rule saying artists should be evenly interested in different themes, artist like what they like and how much they like, and that’s it, no one but the artists has any say on the matter.

03Don’t you think drawing non-con is wrong?

– No. Non-con fantasies are fantasies like any other, most people have some sort of sexual fantasy, some are more vanilla (Fifty Shades of Gray), other are much heavier (Guro, Vore, Non-con, etc), but in the end, these are all fantasies and it is natural to have them, as long as they don’t affect your health or real life relationships, of course. There are many books on the subject of sexual fantasies, these two (1) (2) can give you a good idea of how diverse people’s fantasies can be, if that’s a subject you’re interested in.

04What about minors seeing your work on [insert platform here]?

– If I had the magical power to prevent all minors from seeing my work, I would do it. I already properly tag my pictures and only post them on platforms that allow my type of content, any parent concerned with their offspring’s online activity can easily identify my content as sensitive and block it. Unfortunately, I can’t prevent unsupervised minors from poking their virtual noses where they shouldn’t.

05Your work is promoting/normalizing violence against women.

– No, it isn’t. My work is made for discerning adults that enjoy taboo fantasies in their private time, it is not made for a mass audience nor should be consumed by the general public, any mentally healthy adult who enjoys my work knows the difference between fantasy and reality.

 Saying my work promotes violence against women, is like saying violent games make violent people, or horror movies create psychopaths, it’s an old fallacy and just isn’t true.

06Why are your works featuring femboys cute, while the ones featuring women are violent?

– Because these are two fantasies I enjoy, feminine cute men, and male-on-female power play. The fantasies I’m interested in aren’t divided by any social or moral norm, they aren’t organized at all for the matter, people choose their fantasies as much as they choose their sexuality, as in, they don’t.

 There are fantasie I enjoy that do not involve neither gender bending nor power dinamics (incest as an example), I just don’t have the chance, or don’t want to draw them. I like what I like, and any moral reading on my preferences is based exclusively on others’ own preconceptions.
(PS:  I ask you to please do not contact me in regards to any of the topics above, You’re free to disagree with any of these points, but I draw what I draw because I enjoy it, and I’m not interested in any deep conversation about the morality or psychology behind sexual fantasies and fetishes.)

About The SA Game

01 – How is the status of the SA Game project?

–  The project is currently on hold indefinitely.

02 – Why is the project on hold?

–  For a few reasons. Some years ago I had some changes happening in my personal life that  changed considerably how much time I have available to work, some sacrifices had to be made.

 When I started the project I didn’t have any experience in game development, as the project progressed, the amount of work needed to make it a reality turned out too much, this together with the changes in my personal life made it impossible to keep it running.

03 – Will the project return at some point?

– I’m not really sure, I do want to get it done in some way, even if it is by just polishing what I have done and releasing it as a demo, but at the moment I don’t have the time available to work on it, maybe in the future.

About my Method

01Where can I find your brushes?

–  Here, If you are looking for other good brush packs, the following ones are pretty nice (and free): Yizheng Ke Brushes, Evan Lee brushes, Aaron Griffin Brushes and Danar Worya Brushes.

02What painting programs do you use?

– I use Photoshop 99% of my time. Sometimes I like to experiment with other art programs like Painter and Clip Studio paint, but it’s rare.

03What 3D programs do you use?

– Blender (to set up camera, lighting and props), DAZ Studio (to pose human characters), Marvelous Designer (To make cloth based props like clothing).

04Any other programs or tools you use?

– You can find a list of useful PS plugins and other programs here.

05What’s the usual size of your canvas?

– I usually work on canvas with 5000px or more, but anything above 3000 is good enough.

06Do you draw/paint traditionally?

– Rarely, my workflow is very dependent on digital tools, so I only sketch for fun, any serious work is mainly digital.

07For how long do you draw/paint?

– I’ve drawn my whole life, but I only started drawing/painting more seriously in 2009, and have been doing it as a full time job since 2014 when I launched my first Patreon campaign.


01 – Any advice for new artists wanting to learn?

– I’m self taught, so my learning process is very chaotic and don’t follow any specific academic method or format, the best advices I can give is:

 Draw a lot, every day if you can, or at least a couple of times every week, as much as you can while maintaining your energy and attention. Every artist works at a different pace, find yours and draw as much as you can without burning out or compromising your health (mental and physical).

 Be curious and dig for knowledge, if you have a question in regards to art, there is an 99% chance of you finding the answer somewhere online, there are hundreds of youtube videos, tutorials and books out there full of information, google is your friend, that’s what I did (and do).

 Here you can find a list of links with useful learning resources, all these helped me a lot.

02 – Any advice for a new artist wanting to make a living creating nsfw art?

– I have a few notes, just keep in mind this is my personal experience, different artists have different journeys and there’s hardly any single right way to do things when it comes to living off art, that said;

 Find a niche you like and stick to it, when you’re starting it might be difficult to find an audience, sticking to some sort of niche or type of content will help you build an audience of people who like the same things you do.

 Don’t try to ask for money too early, when you’re starting you need people to see, like and share your work, so unless you’re already a competent artist, it is probably better to have people know your work first before asking for anything in return.

 It’s probably good to have a day job in the beginning so you can pay your bills, and use your free time to learn and create art, once people know your work, requests for commissions will start to come in, that’s when you can start thinking on how/when to live off your art (at least that’s how I did). 

 Try never to rely 100% in just one platform to sell your work, when it comes to nsfw content, there is always the risk of your profile/store/campaign getting banned or deleted, diversify as much as you can, have multiple platforms (Patreon, Subscribestar, Fanbox, Gumroad, etc), so if one goes down, you won’t lose all your income at once.

And that’s it, hope it’s been interesting and you found what you were looking for.