Hey there Folks!

This one was a LOT of fun, I really like this character (Street Fighter: third strike is easily the SF game I’ve played the most), I’ve also tried a different process for this pic, and I imagine you guys can tell by the unusual style. With this pic I’ve tried to use as little reference as possible and  build up the scene  from scratch, no 3D refs, no Photo refs, etc.

The “bad” part of this process is the lack of precision in regards to lighting, proportions and perspective, however the “good” part is exactly the same! the fact that I didn’t had a reference telling the exact size any given limb should have or where certain shadows should be, gave me freedom to just place things as I feel they should be or look, exaggerate areas of interest, tweak  angles and move shadows to make sure things look good even if not technically “right”.

So it was really a lot of fun, this process is much more flexible and less “bureaucratic”, it definitely doesn’t replace my usual process, but I will certainly learn a lot from it and have a wider range of styles I can tackle each picture depending on context.

Hope you guys like it! Cheers!

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