Hey there Folks!

This pic was suppose to be just a quick sketch to relax during last month, but I was so excited with this new style I’m experimenting that things kind of went out of control and the pic turned out much more complex than I intended!
As for the pic itself, this is an Idea I have for quite a long time and never really had the chance to put it “on paper”, I guess this is another reason why the pic turned out so complex, it was really fun to finally been able to realize this old idea.
Also, the pic might look a bit to “vanilla” considering my usual stuff, but it has an actually pretty dark backstory! I’ve written a small story to go with this pic that will explain better what’s going on there, You can find it bellow.

Anyway, hope you guys like it!


# Extract from the diary of
Dr. Deniel Hartz, Bioengineer.
Entry #304-1
0246 – March 22 – 2049

Diary, I have some wonderful news today: It works! Goddammit, IT WORKS! Sprout 78 was a success.

Compared to previous iterations, the germination cycle of S-78 took much longer, all in all close to 80 hours from first budding to full bloom, 250% the cycle length compared to S-77. However, S-78’s nutrient consumption rate is 43% lower than the median of previous growths. It was worrying, at first, but overall the total amount of nutrients consumed was actually higher than before.

But that matters SO LITTLE compared to the stability of the full bloom! S-78 reached final phase growth exactly eight hours and twenty three minutes ago and so far the main body’s structural integrity hasn’t suffered from ANY regression or wilting compared to S-77! Sustained stability! Oh diary, my heart sings in joy. Over EIGHT hours of stable life, so far beating the previous record of twenty seven minutes. Even if it were to lose integrity right now, that’s more than enough time for S-78 to fulfill its purpose. MY purpose! To tell the truth, I had already made use of S-78 a few times.

Some initial impressions:

The scent glands’ intensity must be reduced in future generations. As pleasant as the fragrance gland first incorporated in S-44 was, vigorous ‘activity’ will cause it over excrete the perfume, which can lead to an overbearing and pungent aroma that distracts the user.

Core body temperature must be observed closely. S-78’s heat generation is above expectation and while not harmful (in reality quite pleasant), the hot body can potentially bring dangers to a full body Sprout. This requires closer observation and investigation.

Most surprisingly, I also encountered some unexpected behavior. As we both know, previous sprouts displayed about the same agency as their original botanical ancestors. However, despite its minimal brain and rudimentary nerve system, S-78 displayed some pleasant instinctive behavior, including the movement of its hands, arms, lips, and eye tracking. the fact alone that it could display any kind of reactive behavior is a (pleasant) surprise in itself. Could this response have roots in the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis pollination method? Further exploration and investigation of this phenomenon is necessary.

While might be too early to make use of S-78 like this, I can’t help but hope it will maintain the target minimum of 48 hour integrity period so we can finally move the project on to stage two. As much joy as S-78 has brought me already, my ultimate goal, of course, is to produce a stable full body specimen from a single sprout, and I shouldn’t be distracted from it.

In conclusion, S-78’s strain is very promising and it is already a great success. I intend to continue monitoring its integrity, and if it shows to be a viable strain, another S-78 strain sprout will be grown back in my residence for personal use, and the current sprout will be terminated. Once complete, the growing chamber will become the home of the first phase two test sprout.

Despite my elation and excitement, it still saddens me to know that such a marvelous creation will never see true mass production. Just imagine how many men like me could enjoy the pleasures that S-78’s descendants can bring! still, the small minds in charge can’t see pass outdated ethics!

But, I digress. I will be back in the basement and make the most of S-78 while the sprout’s integrity remains stable. Assuming it remains stable, I will make a new log entry within 24 hours.

End of log.


Story by: Sabu
Editing and corrections by: Redfred

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