I must be honest, I was not exactly trilled when saw I would draw this girl, nothing against the character itself (I’m not familiar with this comic series), but for some reason I just didn’t  like the character design all that much.

Bur after gathering more references for the pic I found out what I didn’t like in the design, it’s her hat, I just didn’t like her hat very much, so I decided to leave it off to the side and focus the picture on what I DO like in the character, mainly the fishnets, red corset and dark hair, with this small change in focus I end up really enjoying making this pic!

The scene itself is pretty basic, a monster (Frankenstein) and a dungeon, always fun! but for this pic I did not want that cold, dank musty feel that is usually associated with medieval dungeons, instead I decided to go with more warm yellowish light (almost fire light) and green / red shadows, I feel this gave the scene an almost “cozy” feel despite the obvious heavy theme.

Hope you like it my friends! cheers!

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